Monday, March 9, 2020

'Secular India at its best' - by K J S Chatrath

There are times when one feels really embarrassed. I had one such moment yesterday. I happened to watch a performance by the venerable T.M. Krishna with Thetakudi Harihara Vinayakram (born 11 August 1942), also known as Vikku Vinayakram on the 'ghatam'. I was just blown over. I felt sad that I knew very little about Carnatic music and specifically about 'ghatam' and the remarkable Vikku Vinayakram, though I have had the privilege of watching the amazing T.M.Krishna live a few months back.

The beauty of it is that this performance was invoking 'Allah' took place in a Church and was performed by an all Hindu Group!

This is secular India at its best.
Do take a look, please:

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Rimpa Shiva on tabla...................shared by K J S Chatrath

                                                        The highly talented Rimpa Shiva